
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Sis :)

Siti Natasya ~ [31st October 1995]
Happy birthday to you sis ~

I hope that you are always happy.
Don't worry of anything because
Allah will always be with you.
So don' forget to meet Allah 5 times a day :)

All of us ( our family ) always love you
no matter what !!!
You have to remember that.

p/s : Don't forget to study hard for SPM
next year . My prayer will always be with you (^^,)

Gambatte !!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nasi Tomato di Bumi Mesir ~

Haaaaa, nampak x gamba makanan yg lazattt
kat atas nie :) 

X sangka, dlm kesibukan masa
utk study, dapat jgak kitorang satu rumah 
menyiapkan sebuah hidangan
yang lazat bertaraf 5 bintang. Chewaaah !!! HAHA

credit to

ustaz faizal : nasi tomato + ayam masak merah
hfz sndiri : air milo ( yg jug hitam tu kay) hehe
mukhlisgamba yg cantik lagy menjilat jari. hehe
acap : tolong ustaz goreng ayam dll
afiqbeli bawang
saiful n firwan : makan.. huhu

Kitorang memilih
as guidance :)

Lepas nie nak try masak nasi beriyani pulakk..

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New upcoming cover will be published soon :)

Assalamualaikum readers :)

I am so glad to tell you that I will
publish a new cover from my
youtube account ~

InsyaAllah, I will publish it on facebook
this Friday ( 28th October 2011 )

I know, its been almost 5 months
that I don't post any cover while 
I've been continously receiving many requests 
from my friends :)

I am very sorry because its been busy days for me lately but
I really appreciate ur support, friends ~

Haaaa, nmpak x klip video kat atas nie.
This is my latest cover.

Christina Perri

Actually dah lame dah nak buat cover lagu ni
plus ramai jugak yg request lagu nie.
But skang baru smpat nak record :)

Wait for my cover this Friday kay :)

p/s : kalau nak request lagu , just tell me here !

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #5

Maksud Wordless Wednesday : Pada hari rabu, semua blogger post gambar di blog mereka tanpa meletakkan apa2x description untuk explain gambar tersebut, biar gambar yang menceritakan tanpa korang letak apa2x penjelasan :) more on

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Berita menggembirakan :)

Assalamualaikum sume ~

Ape kabar sume ?
Bak kate org Mesir, Izzayyik ?
Harap sume sehat n happy slalu lah yek :)

Hari nie hfz nak share something yg happy.
Most of us susah nak memahami isi kandungan
Al-Qur'an btul x ?

Nak beli tafsir kat kedai agak mahal n berat utk
dibawa ke mana-mana ...
Tpy xpe, skang nie, hfz ade jmpe satu web nie
dye menyediakan tafsir Al-Qur'an dalam
Bahasa Melayu :)

So, boleh laa kite memahami isi kandungan Al-Qur'an
disamping membacanya.
Tpy kalau nak transalation English pun ade ~

But, kalau nak mendalami betul2 isi kandungan
Al-Qur'an nie, kite kene blaja Bahasa Arab laa.
Ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur'an adalah mukjizat
dan sukar utk diterjemahkan 100%
ke dalam bahasa lain.

Ape2 pun, jom laaa kite tingkatkan usaha untuk
membaca, memahami dan mengamalkan Al-Quran :)

Visit here >>>

Saturday, October 22, 2011

New VEVO !

Sedap lagu nie,
hehe, and guess what, InsyaAllah, 
I will do a cover for this song :)

Justin Bieber - Mistletoe

It's the most beautiful time of the year 
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer 
I should be playing in the winter snow 
But I'mma be under the mistletoe 

I don't want to miss out on the holiday 
But I can't stop staring at your face 
I should be playing in the winter snow 
But I'mma be under the mistletoe 

With you, shawty with you 
With you, shawty with you 
With you under the mistletoe 

Everyone's gathering around the fire 
Chestnuts roasting like a hot July 
I should be chillin' with my folks, I know 
But I'mma be under the mistletoe 

Word on the street santa's coming tonight, 
Reindeer's flying through the sky so high 
I should be making a list, I know 
But I'mma be under the mistletoe 

With you, shawty with you 
With you, shawty with you 
With you under the mistletoe 

With you, shawty with you 
With you, shawty with you 
With you under the mistletoe 

The wise men follow the stars 
They way I followed my heart 
And it led me to a miracle 

Don't you buy me nothing (don't you buy me nothing) 
I am feeling one thing, your lips on my lips 
There's a very, Merry Christmas 

(Kiss me underneathe the mistletoe) 
Kiss me underneathe the mistletoe 
(Show me baby that you love me so) 
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 

Lagu nie sangat catchy lor for me.
Ala2 club.. hoh0.
Btw, suke video dye :)

Rihanna - We Found Love

Yellow diamonds in the light
And we're standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
What it takes to come alive

It's the way I’m feeling I just can't deny
But I've gotta let it go

We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place

Shine a light through an open door
Love and life I will divide
Turn away cause I need you more
Feel the heartbeat in my mind

It's the way I'm feeling I just can't deny
But I’ve gotta let it go

We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place

Friday, October 21, 2011


Once upon a time we swore not to say goodbye.
Something got a hold of us and we changed.

Then u sat alone in pride and I sat at home and cried.
How'd our fairytale just end up this way ???

We went round for round till we knocked love out.
We were laying in the ring not making a sound
and if it's a metaphor of u and I
Why is it so hard to say goodbye ???

I can't wait to hate u, make u pain like I do
Still can't shake u off.

I can't wait to breakthrough
these emotional changes seems like such a loss
because I can't wait to face u
break u down so low there's no place
left to go

Love is, was a phenomenon no one could explain
and I wish, I could press reset and feel that feeling again

I sit and press rewind and watch us every night,
wanna pause it but I can't make it stay

I think I'm moving away
Sorry, the frustrations got me feeling awake
and I just keep having one last thing to say

I just want to hold u, touch u, feel u,
be near u, I miss u baby ~
I'm tired trying to fake through, but there's nothing I can do...
I can't wait to hate u.

( I know you well )

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #4

Maksud Wordless Wednesday : Pada hari rabu, semua blogger post gambar di blog mereka tanpa meletakkan apa2x description untuk explain gambar tersebut, biar gambar yang menceritakan tanpa korang letak apa2x penjelasan :) more on

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Where is the humanity ? - Video of A girl in Guangdong being run over by a van

Mane hilangnya kasih sayang,
kemanusiaan dan belas kasihan ???

Sayu melihat budak 2 tahun kene lenyek dengan van
di Guandong, China !!!

Dah kene lenyek, org sekeliling boleh
pulak buat tak tahu...
Ingat budak tu anjing ke ape ???

Lagi menyedihkan,
budak 2 tahun tu kene lenyek pulak
dengan lori...

Ya Allah ~ semoga engkau memberikan balasan
setimpal dengan apa yg mereka telah lakukan. Amiin ~

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Inexhaustible LOVE

How did you find the energy, Mom
To do all the things you did
To be teacher, nurse and counselor to me
When i was a kid.

How do you do it all, Mom
Be a chauffeur, cook and friend,
Yet find time to be a playmate
I just can't comprehend

Now I know it is love, Mom
That make you come whenever I call,
Your inexhaustible love, Mom
And I thank you for it all  :')

I love you mom forever and always ~
Semoga Allah mengampunkan segala dosa ibu bapa ku.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Maybe smoking is interesting but KILLS !

Why do we need to smoke ???
Bak kate sesetengah kwn hfz,

- Yelaaa, kalau tension2, aku hisap laaaa.
Hilang tension aku .
- kalau aku merokok, boleh dapat haba sket..
Aku tgh sejuk nie.
- Alaaa, kawan2 aku mostly isap rokok,
so ape salahnye aku join dorang jugak.
- Nak buat macam mane, dulu try2 aje,
skang dah ketagih la bro.

HAHA, macam2 alasan lagi yg hfz pernah dgr.
But x boleh pakai laaa sume alasan tu.

Kalau nak release tension,
bnyk cara lagi kite boleh buat
like sport ke, musics ke kann.
Kalau sejuk, minum lah air panas,
x pun, pakai baju sejuk tebal2.
Then, kalau kawan ramai yg hisap rokok,
perlu ke kite ikut dorang even kite
sume taw yg rokok tu memudaratkan kesihatan

Korang still igt x ape yg korang blaja time skola
rendah or menengah dulu,
ape hukum melakukan sesuatu ataw memakan 
sesuatu yg memudaratkan diri ???
Paham2 lah sendiri yek ~

Perghhh, macam2 bende poisonous ade kat dalam
rokok nie !!!

nicotinedrug in tobacco that makes smoking a
powerful addiction
Arsenic - very potent deadly poison and
gives you bad breath
Toluene - can cause tiredness, weakness,
loss of appetide n memory loss
Cadmium - cause damage to liver, kidneys and
brain. It stays in the body for years
Tar - blacken and damage the lungs
Carbon monoxide - compete with oxygen to 
combine with haemoglobin. So, our body will lack
in oxygen
Ammonia - helps to absorb more nicotine,
keeping you hooked on smoke

Even goverment kite dah letak
macam2 gambar menunjukkan kesan2 buruk
merokok dekat kotak rokok itu sendiri,
but still perokok tegar nie degil.
X lain x bukan ni sume keje nicotine yg buat dorang ketagih.

worst, skang ramai pompuan  dah mula merokok.
Come one laaaa, satu hari nnty, korang akan
lahirkan anak. Jangan lah disebabkan korang,
anak yg x berdosa dalam kandungan tu
yg menjadi mangsa. pikir2kan lah ye ~

Yg susah nak percaya tu, ade je ramai yg 
muke comel2 n innocent. Mmg x terpikir lgsung la 
yg dorang ni merokok.
 Skali tgk, merokok jugak rupenye.
HAHA, terus x jadi ngorat. REJECTED !

Nasib baik kucing x merokok,
kalau merokok jugak, hfz nak letak jawatan
as a cat lover laa. HAHA ~

Hfz pun x taw nak cakap ape lagi daa..
Senang cite, tolonglah berhenti merokok.
Bukan saje bleh memudaratkan diri sndiri,
malah memudarat kan org sekeliling kite
yg tersayang . Ish3 ...

Akhir kate ~

anda mampu mengubahnyer :)

idea got from : ustaz zamri

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #3

           click to enlarge picture~

Maksud Wordless Wednesday : Pada hari rabu, semua blogger post gambar di blog mereka 
tanpa meletakkan apa2x description untuk explain gambar tersebut, biar gambar yang 
menceritakan tanpa korang letak apa2x penjelasan :) more on

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Flight to egypt :)

Assalamualaikum n salam blogger utk semua ~
Alhamdulillah, hfz dah selamat sampai ke
Egypt 13/9/2011 hari tu :)

FYI, hfz further study kat sini pursuing 
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
in Alexandria University

dlm entry nie, hfz nak cite
adventure2 on the way nak ke egypt nie.
hehe ~

Flight to Egypt n transit in Bahrain ~
10.55 am (12 sept 11)

But before flight, ade
pre-depature program at Empress hotel
selama 2 hari :)

Kitorang naik Gulf Air,
so transit kat Bahrain laaa...
Bapak laaa, lawa gila Bahrain nie...
Teratur je sume bangunan dye plus
makanan dye sedap kot.. slurrpp3 
ngehehe :P

Kat bahrain nie sume kaya2...
Cbe bygkan ea,,,
1 Dinar Bahrain = RM 8 ~
perghhhhh,,, jauh beza kan

All rite, dah penat berfoya-foya kat Bahrain,
now its the time flying to Egypt.
Here we go ~

Flight dari Bahrain ke Cairo skejap je dlm 3 jam
but flight dari Msia ke Bahrain tu yg lame, 7 jam kot.
Tpy x kesah sgt coz kat dlm plane bleh tgk movie.
Main game pun boleh ~

Alhamdulillah, mse nie, bru smpai Cairo.
Panas wooo, sbb skang nie tgh summer.
then lpas nie, hfz tros btolak pgy
Alexandria ~

                                                                                                                  to be continued ~

Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm Back yo !

Assalamualakum readers :)
1st of all, hfz nak mintak maaf ye sbb 
dah sebulan x update blog nie.
Bukan nye sengaja ke ape,,,
bz utk persiapan masuk U nie.
1st degree laa katekan, ngehehe

Actually macam2 yg hfz nak update nie. sabar ye..
btw, esok dah start class daa
and skang nie baru je settlekan orentasi
nak adapt kat tempat baru lagy kannn...

Haaaa, thanks sgt2 laa kepada readers yg setia tu
smpai tertanya-tanye bile hfz nak buat entry lagy kan.
hargai korang sgt :)

oryte laaa, hfz nak start plot utk
next entry :) jgn lpe bace kay ~

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